Tony Dignam

Tony was born in St Bridget’s Gardens in Sheriff Street. When he was three months old, he and his family moved no. 97 Phil Shanahan House. They were the first family to move into the flat complex which had just been opened in 1956.

Tony’s Grandfather, father and three of his brothers, were all dockers and worked in the B & I (The British and Irish Steam packet Company) Tony was a champion boxer and a member of the Transport Boxing Club on Commons Street. He was the first boxer to win a Championship title for the club. His son Mark also became a member of the same club and won the last Championship title for the club, before it closed due to the death of the club trainer Mr. Paddy Muldowney who was from East Wall.

Tony’s father died when he was eight years old. He recalls that Noel in Mattie’s shop became a figure of huge significance to him as he regarded him as a father figure.

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