Local Sources

Try some of these sources available in your local area

School Records

Old roll books contain lots of information about the children and staff attending a school. Pages can be scanned and uploaded to a community site giving people an opportunity to see the information without actually having to visit. Digitising old images and records helps to preserve the originals.

Church Records

Many communities have carried out work digitising these records. Why not make them accessible online?

Graveyard Survey

Has a survey been carried out on the graves and grave stones? If so, you could upload this information to your site so people all over the world can search for their ancestors.

Private collections

Many people have collections of family photographs and memorabilia and may not realise that these private collections have an historic value and interest for others.  Why not advertise in your local or parish newsletter and see who responds?

Personal Reminiscences – Capture it before it disappears

Older people can often remember the past like it was yesterday but may not think that others will be interested in their reminiscence. Interviews with older people can reward with astonishing stories and priceless information on everyday life.

Comments about this page

  • Excellent advice! We, In Youghal, Co. Cork, have a long way to go when we start to create our archive but look forward to the challenge! It is good to know others are on the path and can point us in the right direction.

    By Kieran Groeger (19/03/2021)

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